21 November, 2017

With lots of Sunshine :)

Hi Everyone, :)

While I was walking home today, it just came to mind that until yesterday, we rarely had rainy days. As surprising as it may sound to even me, the sun was mostly shining, even tho the days were cold, but at least shiny. Yesterday, the winter season finally reached this grey city, and the era of rainy days have begun. 

As I said, during my walk home, I remembered those beautiful sunsets and sunrises we had here. I think, I have to mention, that now, the sun rises around 7.30 am and sets around 4.30pm, and it is still only November..  I may sound depressing (and believe me, sometimes it is), however, it has a very, I would say, rather pleasant side of having a late sunrise. And it is, of course, the view.

I don't know how you feel about it, but when I see a stunning sunrise like this:

  or this (after the hurricane):

It just makes my whole day. :)

Or when I see a sunset like this:

or this:

I always think this is a worthy end of the day, and all is well if its ending is good. :)

The other natural phenomena I like here is the rainbows. You often can see them :D
There was a light storm on the sea which avoided the city tho, but made this beauty:


And this was over the city centre. just after a light rain.. Because the sun is always shining over the clouds..

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are well together :)
    Here the time with sunshine is the same. I saw some beautiful sunrise here too, but almost none of the sunsets :(
    However this week was continuously foggy.
