14 February, 2018

In the middle of nowhere


an entertaining short story of a lovely couple who walked far beyond the city boundary for a Wii..

A couple of weeks ago I accidentally started a (for us still) huge spending for home entertaining systems. It all started when I also accidentally came across with an Xbox 360 with a kinect in one of the charity shops nearby. My little brother had once, and I wanted one too for being able to play with this dance central game. It is very amusing, and help with my daily exercise, unlike the other very similar dancing game. Every day I passed by it, and I always thought, ok, today I will talk about it with Maxim. One evening when we walked home from the station, I showed it to him, saying, its still available and he replied, if it is a good price for it, then buy it, we can buy a TV later. So, I bought it. 
A week passed by and nothing happened, until I saw a very nice big TV in this facebook wanting-buying group. I showed the TV to Maxim, asking about his opinion with my big grey eyes.. We wrote to the seller, it was still available, but the location was about an hour walk from home.. OK. no problem, we could manage. We did, we walked there, got the TV, came back home, and now I had more or less everything I could entertain myself for literally forever. 
However, on the way back home Maxim was a bit (too) quiet, like when he is thinking about something serious. He asked me to invite him into this Facebook group.  Then , he sat down in front of his computer and started browsing the ads. 
When we started dating, he showed me his collection of games he wanted to play, he even mentioned a couple of times that he would like to buy a PS3 because of this games.. (not PS4 because the games he selected are not compatible with PS4 or something similar..) 
I honestly should have known.. But from that point, there was no turning back, I got mine, and there was no reason why he should not got his.. So, he scanned through the fb group, and found a PS3. Guess what we have now? Yep, we got a PS3 too, 4 days after we got the TV. He was soo elated at being able to play with his precious games.. Who could possibly thought his happiness isn't complete? 
Of course it was not, because still there were 2 (two!) games which were not operating on either Xbox nor PS platform.. These were Zelda games (yey) only available through Wii.........
He found a Wii too (on the same day), about circa 1 hour walk from home.. So, one day after we got the PS, we were on our way to get the Wii too. (Un)fortunately, when we were about 15 mins away from the seller, she wrote, apologized, but her partner was unwell, and now they are in the hospital. Maxim thought it is a heavenly sign to NOT buying (this) Wii. I thought he could let the this Wii idea go, we had already spent too much.. I was more or less right. 1 week after our missed meeting, on a beautiful, sunny Sunday, after having breakfast, he saw another Wii. 
You can imagine what happened after right? We contacted the seller. The address what he gave to us was hmm.. a bit farther to the north.. 1.5 hours of walk. The weather was nice, like a true spring day in February, so we decided to take a walk instead of the bus.
Even now when I write it down, it seems nothing. one and a half hour.. it is just a number, and  we are walking faster than what google predicts anyway.. I wasn't really aware of the rough terrain or what that 90 mins of walking really means, so I foolishly thought I could manage this 'easy' walk in high heels. (When I said this to one of my friends she replied I went crazy.. she was right) 
We literally went outside the city boundary and we crossed every hill this city possibly has.. The scenery was amazing though, but still, not meant for high heels. 
We passed a couple of footpath too, and made a note that we will come back here later and in appropriate clothing. :D 
Our adventure doesn't end here, on our way back, we thought about getting some lunch from Lidl, and tried a 'shorter' route, what was suggested by google.. 
Long story short, it did not work out very well, we spent about 30 mins in a woody area just to notice that the shortcut was a dead end, and the pathway was not continuing beyond a lovely bridge. So, we ought to go back on the way we came, unless we didn't, we chose the other side of the woods, which turned out to be steeper than what we originally came. 
At the end of the adventure, we managed to get back to the concrete road, and we haven't tried out any new shortcuts. :D 
Even my feet and high heels were survived, Maxim got his thingy (and now very happy I believe).
And all lived happily ever after. <3
The journey in pictures: