18 September, 2017

Food is Life

Welcome back! Next on your station is the Monday evening news broadcast, brought just for you!

So, we left of with Lidl. There are quite a few food shops in Aberdeen: There is Lidl and Aldi, the classical arch-rivals. Then there is Morrisons, M&S (yes, Mark and Spencers. Just they have a foodshop branch here also. And a buffet. And a bank! Oh, and they are also the company who offers food to buy on the London-Aberdeen airplane). There is Asda (Imagine a big Tesco, just near the sea shore). And then there are the smaller ones, like Tesco itself (only the express variants around here), Sainsbury, Farmfood, and some others. And they vary quite a bit when it comes to prices. And I mean, quite a bit.

Basically, Lidl and Aldi are the cheapest, with Asda, then Morrisons following up. When Vika told me that Morrisons is considerably more expensive, I though ok, probably like 20-30% difference in prices, right? Nope. Just to give you an example, fresh refrigerated half a kg beef in Lild is around 2.90/Kg. In Morrissons you can get it for 8...

Lidl and Aldi are cheap in Budapest too. But here, the fact that they are discount-stores really becomes visible. Pity they are about 30-40 minutes walk from where we live :P

Mind you, not every product has such a big price-gap. And some things are cheaper in one shop and some in another. Morrisons has a lot bigger selection, and if you want things like frozen vegetable, or good smoked cheese, you go there. (Or snickers ice-cream!!! :D )

The smaller shops can get pretty expensive, again, with the exception of some items.

Speaking of very expensive.... Beer!!!! Darn is it expensive here. You get some discount lager at Lidl for 1,36 pounds / liter. That's 450 Ft. Not too bad... expect it's yeah, cheap lager. But anything else, and man... Basically speaking, if you get beer for 1 pound (330 Ft!) / half a litter, that is the cheap end. A lot of the bottled beers go for 1,5 pounds... Basically, anything below 2 pound / liter can be considered cheap. And to add insult to injury, most of the cans are 440 ml...

Not all is bad though. The bottled beers are for the most part still 0,5 , and they are also crafted beers, with some of them having a real good taste.

Guiness: Expensive? Nope. 10 cans of 440 ml for for 640 Ft / liter. (True, they had a discount). But that is still below the 2 pound price line, and compared to the average prices, it's not expensive at all.

And if anybody wondered what rattles inside the can, here it is:

And then you find things like this:

Yup, one pint (568 ml) beer. (And yup, the Bud :P It's a pity they don't have the brown version). And a pint is what you get if you go in a pub too :D

But instead of brown Bud, they have brown... This :D (Meli? ^^):

Aaaand then you have cider: 2 liter edition. 2 pounds. Yup, that's 330 Ft per liter.... (Strongbow is still expensive here though...)

Fun part about buying alcohol: You have to be above 18, but if you look below 25, they need to and will ask for you ID. And same goes for buying kitchen knives apparently. :D Vika bought one, and the computer beeped, (they have self-service machines like in Tesco almost everywhere here), and the assistant came, looked at her, and said: 'Ok, lets see your ID'. And then she asked: 'You are not going to stab anyone in the back with it, will you?' XD.

No, no, of course not, we only attack our enemies face-to-face...

Oh, and while we are on the extra-large editions...

Do you guys see this????

.... ....

...What do you mean 'So what?'


(And yup, you read it right. Only 2 pounds/The. Whole. Bag...)

Magnum anyone? 4 pcs, 1,75 pounds... That's 145 Ft/pcs...

Or 60 Ft snickers maybe?

Just 50 Ft if you get a discount :P

Vika's favorite :D

And one of mine ^^ . Pure smoothie, 100% fruit, great taste, 340 Ft/L.

In Morrisons (and some other shops) you can get another kind of  smoothie as part of your 3 pound meal-deal that contains no banana, only red berries. Tastes really great ^^

And to close the day off, here is our newest addition to the household >^^<

See you guys later ^^

09 September, 2017

The first day - Aka: Welcome to UK!

My first 'real' view of the city. Rested, eaten and not so cold, I could appreciate a lot more of the town around me.

This is what it looks. The town is famous for its grayness. In the past, it had a very practical reason for this: The town had a granite-mine, and granite was very cheap here. Nowadays I think it's more because they want to keep it the way it was. I don't know if the locals actually like it this way, or are just proud of it, but I can say that it has indeed justfully earned the title 'Granite City'. After getting used to it, I find I quite like its esthetic. I don't know yet how it will be in the winter, Vika says it is a rather depressing a town, with long nights, little sunshine and cold winds. But now in the summer, I find it quite nice.

Btw, this picture perfectly summarizes a lot of what Aberdeen streets look like. Gray walkways, gray buildings, but with quite a bit of green in it. Not all, but many of the houses have small front-gardens, and you find tree-lanes, bushes and lots of tiny parks strewn about, and several large ones too. You'll find that a lot of the streets look like they were built at the same time, by the same company: The whole of the street has the same copy-paste house design, made with the same color.

A quick photo-fight on the street-corner. :P

(Did I win? ^^)

Even Vika's phone was in a catty mood :D

Anyway, we went to the bank to arrange some things, and to open my account. Turns out you need a National Insurance number to do that, so here I am waiting for it to arrive...

But the bank itself is rather pleasant, and I had a look at the accounts, (and Vika told me quite a bit about them), and it's not quite the same as in Hungary. Shortly put, there are a lot less fees. No account-charge, no transfer cost between banks. Free cash withdrawal. (not everywhere in the UK from what I read, but still in a lot of places. Even more so in Scotland). You get a normal account, and a saver account that gives you some interest, with free transfer between them. No bank-card fees either. And there is an interesting option for saving too, where every time you use your credit card, it will round up the amount to a whole pound, and send the difference from the main account into the saver. Though that is optional, and probably just a feature of that one bank.

Also, it's a lot more common here to set up direct debit on your account by default: For example, for our internet, when we formed the contract they asked us for our bank details. And when the invoice arrives, we don't make the transfer to them, but they withdraw that amount automatically. Same for our rent.

After the bank, we went exploring a bit.

Through the town center: Imagine two big streets meeting in a square, the Union Street, and the south end of the Kings Street, that continues to run north and out of the town. The entire Union Street is filled with shops and cafes and all, and clustered around the Union Street are 3 plazas and yet another square, named aptly the Union Square, with the bus station. And that's basically the town center. Right next to these are the quays.

And then along the University (we just walked past it, pics later :P ).

And after that, we arrived in Seaton Park.

I'll let the pictures talk for themselves.

(Got sunny here ^^)

This is just a part of the park. We went along the 'main' road that runs from the cemetery in the south, through the center, then to the eastern exit. The the west, right along the edge of the park runs the river Don. And to the North of the park, on a hill, is the Student-Village. But these have to wait before I tell you about them. Our destination that day was of a higher priority than mere beauty and nature: Lidl. (Food :P)

Which brings me to our next, very important chapter ^^

05 September, 2017



Soo, we Finally got internet in our apartment. 52mbit!!!! Wow. And that's fast here :P

We have a little cute router sitting under our table, beaming wifi all over the place :P (Ok, ok, he is actually quite cool looking). I got my main computer up and running again, and boy does it feel good to have all this speed and processing power (not to mention large monitor) at your disposal.

As I found out, they are still in the process of installing fiber-cables throughout the city. In some parts, the most you can get is 17 mbits.... yaiks... When I was searching for net, I almost got desperate as most companies I checked didn't even have the fiber option for our street...

Btw, for those of you in Budapest who think 52mbit is slow, try using a 10+ year old laptop with Windows XP, connected to the internet via your phone's hotspot :P (Fun fact: They have 4G everywhere. Except at night. Interestingly, I always got only H at night :P I guess they switch off some of the transmitters to save energy...?)

So, as I was trying to say, welcome back everyone :) Now that we are back in business, I'm planning on continuing with the blogging. There is a lot of things I want to share with you guys, and I have quite a big collection of pictures and interesting tidbits, so what I will probably do is release several smaller blogs, each covering one topic or another. Or maybe I will just talk about whatever comes to my mind :P Well see ^^

So, where were did I left of . . . ?

Ah yes, we arrived to our new home ^^

Basically, my first impression that  it's gray. Like, almost every building you see here is like this gray. Admittedly, by this time I was quite tired, and it was a bit hard to appreciate anything new at that point.

 This helped :P

And this is how the place looks.

LOTS of crafted, taped beer (about 20+), with great burgers. And the best part, they came in a menu. So for 5,5 Pounds (1815 HUF) you get a menu of burger, pomes, and beer :D McDonalds version 18+ (with better burger) :P

Btw, as I found out later, they do have McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, and everything else here. Also Fridays, Costa and Starbucks. Except here these are not actually expensive. They are the same price, or sometimes even cheaper then in Budapest, except the average salary is about three times higher.

And finally, we visited the sea, before heading off to our temp-apartment for rest. It was a long day.